Curious, creative, problem solver.


Hey, I’m Jade.

At school camp, I was given “The Inquisitive Award”.

To which I responded in front of the crowd… “What does inquisitive mean?”

The adults laughed, I didn’t really understand why, but now, I do.

I love discovering and learning, gathering information and coming up with solutions. What I’ve learnt in my journey is that communication is the crux of, basically everything.

Improving communication helps immensely in day to day life. I’m a nerd about it. Always striving to be a better communicator in all areas of life. But I’m especially interested in supporting businesses and teams to be creative, and communicate better, for happier and more functional workplaces. I’m here to help you with…

  • visual scribing for workshops and presentations

  • marketing and communication activities for brands and business

  • developing systems and strategies for communication teams

  • building stronger skills in interpersonal communication to get results in work and life

A unique kind of kid, growing up in rural New Zealand, I started working at about 11 years old. My first jobs were rousey for the sheep shearers, milking cows, and flipping burgers for truckies. I deviated from the farm life to study a Communication degree in Hamilton, (notably in the same class as Jacinda Ardern, but perhaps not quite as successful) and have had a career of over 17 years in communication, media, marketing and design.

My informal lifelong fixation on sociological subject matter, means I have a reasonable knowledge of what is happening around us at any given time, and has made me pretty good at communicating. Nothing’s perfect, so where there’s a gap, my insatiable curiosity drives me to chase understanding.

Changes in technology, behaviour and communication methods for businesses has been a fascination in recent time, and I’ve been lucky enough to carve a career that has explored this exchange of information. I spend a lot of time observing life, analysing the stuff we have to do everyday, and coming up with ways we could do things better. I sometimes spend Saturday nights reading about aspects of the economy I don’t understand, or listening to podcasts about marketing. (See, definitely a nerd.)

I want to be as helpful as possible so please feel free to get in touch! I am looking forward to connecting.